Jul 29

[转]如何创建第三方驱动盘 雨

    下文以红帽4.8 kernel-2.6.9-89.EL.i686.rpm为例,将描述如何在现有的系统上创建一张第三方驱动盘。要创建该驱动盘,前提是您必须要有一套即将安装系统的环境(至少有对应的kernel-devel 环境)。因为,该驱动必须在现有的环境中编译后,才能打包成第三方驱动盘,然后用linux dd 方式加载。

Creating a third party driver disk

You  may need to   use a device that  is not supported by the kernel which  ships  with the Information Manager Installation DVD.

In case the external device driver is available as source code, please refer to the driver's documentation for instructions on building the driver. The documentation also contains information on the dependent tools or packages that need to be installed to   build the driver. In most cases, the Red Hat kernel-development package and the gcc compilation tool along with its dependencies is required to build the driver.

The following  packages are shipped with the Symantec Security Information Manager installation DVD:

  • Kernel




  • gcc


  • gcc dependencies


  • RPMS



You can install the packages by running the following command on the SSIM Server:

# rpm -ivh <rpm_file> where rpm_file is one of the RPMs supplied with the installation DVD.

Let us consider the following example to build a third party driver disk:

The raid controller Mylex AccelRAID 170 SCSI controller with a RAID 5 array.

You need to create a driver disk  for the raid controller before you can use the device with the Information Manager Server.

The driver disk contains  the files that have the relevant information about the hardware so that it can integrate with the software.

The  driver disk must have  the following files on it:

  • modinfo

  • modules.gz

  • modules.dep

  • pcitable

  • rhdd-6.1

To create the driver disk, you must first create the files as required. Then you can copy the files to the disk.

To create the modinfo file

  • Using a text editor on a Linux/Unix computer, create and save the modinfo file.

    Note: If you have created the file on a Windows-based  computer, run the dos2unix command on the file to remove the carriage return characters.

    The contents must be exactly in the following  format:

    Version 0



    "Mylex AccelRAID 170"

To create the modules.cgz file

  1. Create two directories having the same name as your kernel version, for example:



    Note: You must create the modules.cgz file on a Linux computer only.

    Symantec recommends you to perform this task on a separate Linux computer supported by the specific driver module along with correct kernel versions. For example for SSIM 4.7 you need kernel-2.6.9-89.EL  and 2.6.9-89.0.3.ELhugemem to compile the driver modules. After you compile the drivers,  the file drivername.ko is created   which is object module required to build modules.cgz .

    We need the modules that are compiled using which is base kernel required for stage1 of anaconda along with SSIM 4.7 kernel 2.6.9-89.0.3.ELhugemem which is used by stage 2.

  2. Copy the compiled modules (obtained from the vendor or compiled against the specific version  mentioned above) to the directories that are specified.

  3. Create the modules.cgz out of this directory using the following command:

    # ls -1 2.6.9-89.0.3.ELhugemem/*.ko  2.6.9-89.EL/*.ko | cpio -Hcrc -o | gzip -9 > modules.cgz

    You must be in the directory containing the 2.6.9-78.0.17 directory

Next you create the modules.dep file. The modules.dep file contains information about module dependencies.

To create the modules.dep file

  • Using a text editor on a Linux/Unix computer, create and save the modules.dep file

    The contents must be exactly in the following  format:

    parport_pc: parport

    3c503: 8390

    plip: parport_pc

Next you create the pcitable file.

The pcitable file contains vendor and device numbers of PCI cards and their appropriate device drivers. You can identify the PCI devices by their vendor numbers and device numbers.

You can get appropriate vendor numbers and device numbers by executing the following command:

# lspci -n

You may need to specify the module dependencies that are required by the driver module which you are going to install.

To create the pcitable file

  • Using a text editor on a Linux/Unix computer, create and save the pcitable file.

    The contents must be exactly in the following  format:

    0x0e11 0x0508 "sktr"     "Compaq|Netelligent 4/16 Token Ring"

    0x0e11 0xb060 "cciss"     "Compaq|Smart Array 5300 Controller"

    0x1000 0x0701 "yellowfin" "Symbios|83C885"

    0x1000 0x0702 "yellowfin" "Symbios|Yellowfin G-NIC gigabit ethernet"

    0x1011 0x001a "acenic"    "Farallon|PN9000SX"

    To find out the PCI vendor and model numbers for your device you can use the following steps:

    • Boot the machine with some one-floppy distro (like tomsrtbt) and then cat the /proc/pci file.

    • You can also run the lspci utility from pciutils.

To create the driver disk

  1. You need to format a floppy with the MS-DOS file system

    Use the following command:

    mkdosfs /dev/fd0

  2. Copy the following files to the disk:

    • modinfo

    • modules.cgz

    • modules.dep

    • pcitable

Your driver disk is now ready for use. You can use the disk when you are prompted to insert the third party driver disk during the installation process.

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